Why do we need another equipment supplier?
To answer this we need to ask three more fundamental questions:
Q: What are the advantages of a complete turn key brewery?
Q: What is real quality?
Q: Do you really need to pay that much for it?
Why do we need another equipment supplier?
To answer this we need to ask three more fundamental questions:
Q: What is real quality?
Q: Do you really need to pay that much for it?
2016 is a great time for Indian Craft Brewing. With the consumer palette becoming more sophisticated and people looking for a more satisfying beer experience, mainstream beers simply aren't cutting it. Exponential growth is forecast for next 10 years to keep pace with the US market, which is now at 11% and growing. We have been the part of the Indian Micro Brewery success story for the past 4 years We have designed, commissioned and installed Micro Breweries in Bangalore, to help brewers achieve the most expensive part of their venture as cost effectively, Pune, Mumbai, Kolkatta, Gurgoan and Hyderabad. Why do we need another equipment supplier? To answer this we need to ask three more fundamental questions: Q: What are the advantages of a complete turn key brewery? Q: What is real quality? Q: Do you really need to pay that much for it?
2016 is a great time for Indian Craft Brewing. Currently craft beers account for approximately 3% market share in Indian. Exponential growth is forecast for next 10 years to keep pace with the US market, which is now at 11% and growing. We have been the part of the Indian Micro Brewery success story for the past 4 years We have designed, commissioned and installed Micro Breweries in Bangalore, to help brewers achieve the most expensive part of their venture as cost effectively, Pune, Mumbai, Kolkatta, Gurgoan and Hyderabad. confidently and enjoyably as possible. “We learned a great deal from the visitors to our stand, most of whom were especially pleased to be able to talk directly to the manufacturer about inclusive 2D and 3D brewery design resulting in tailor-made brewhouses to fit their particular premises and growth plans for the future.”
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